Useful Links for Health & Safety Management in Schools

The following links have been provided to sources of information which you may find useful when developing your school or colleges safety management system.


The Association for Physical Education is a charitable company, a membership organisation and the subject association for physical education in the United Kingdom. It produces the established guidance for PE - Safe Practice: in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity.


The Association for School Science is a membership body that has been supporting all those involved in science education from pre-school to higher education for over 100 years.


CLEAPSS was established in partnership with the local education authorities of the United Kingdom to provide a competent source of advice on science education to schools and colleges. It now also provides advice on design and technology. Originally school membership of CLEAPSS was restricted to LEA schools (which were paid for by their home LEA). There are now more classes of membership available. It is still usually more cost effective to subscribe through an LEA. Some CLEAPSS services, such as the Radiation Protection Adviser service, can only be purchased through an LEA service.


The Design and Technology Association (DATA) is the accreditation body for competence in design and technology (wood-working, metal-working, heat procceses, electronics, food technology & texttiles) subjects. It also provides guidance on these subjects.


The National Education Union is a trade union for teachers. It publishes guidance on health and safety issues.


UNISON is a trade union for public sector workers (including school support staff). It publishes guidance on health and safety issues.

Health & Safety Executive

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are the enforcing body for health and safety legislation in all types of school. As well as enforcing the law the HSE also publishes guidance to assist employers with complying with their duties.

hse education homepage

Institution of Occupational Safety & Health

The Institution of Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH) is the only chartered body for health and safety professionals in the UK. As well as setting the professional standards for its members, IOSH also undertakes research and produces guidance documents.